Google invoices
Google invoices


$result = $this->_service->files->create( Public function writeFile($name, $contents) $document = $renderer->getPdf(array($invoice)) $renderer = Mage::getSingleton('sales/order_pdf_invoice') * $renderer Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Pdf_Invoice */ Public function generatePdfStream(Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Invoice $invoice) $permission->setEmailAddress(self::TARGET_OWNER) $permission = new Google_Service_Drive_Permission() $file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile() Mage::getModuleDir('etc', 'Vbuck_DriveIntegrationTest'). Return new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials( $this->_service = new Google_Service_Drive($this->_client) $this->_client->setAssertionCredentials($this->_getCredentials())

google invoices



I have written an example class for step #5 above so that you can get an idea of how to bridge Magento invoice generation to a Google Drive upload interface: class Vbuck_DriveIntegrationTest_Model_UploadĬonst CLIENT_ID = 'YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID_HERE' Ĭonst SERVICE_ID = TARGET_OWNER = 'YOUR_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_ADDRESS'


  • Send PDF contents to Google Drive using your API connector.
  • Use built-in PDF generation to create raw PDF contents.
  • Connect observer class event data to your API connector.
  • Build an API connector to upload contents to Google Drive as files.
  • Build observer class to receive event data.
  • Register an observer on event sales_order_invoice_save_after.
  • With this library installed, you can start to experiment with building a Magento module to do your work.Īs I see it, your task looks something like this: This one is old, but uses PSR-0 standards, which in short means you just to place the repo's src/Google folder into your Magento project under lib/Google, and all classes will autoload. Then, there is a PHP SDK for Google Drive:ĭownload and use version/tag 1.1.8.

    google invoices

    So instead you can look to using the service account approach: You should know that Google's APIs use the OAuth 2 specification for authorizing connections to its services. You are limited in available data to use in the template.You have to develop the invoice template yourself.Then, you bind that trigger to an action like Google Drive file upload. Where here you configure an available Magento trigger, like order invoice generation. I put together a quick template, as shown below: Try a popular app connector service like Zapier.

    google invoices

    I don't know much about your custom solution for invoice receipts, but starting from these should inspire you to find the answer to your scenario. These solutions are based on native Magento invoicing functionality. But what I can do is give you some resources to seek out further. Likely you won't get a full answer in a place like this. This is a big question to ask, definitely not a "small change" as you put it.

    Google invoices