Controls-Battle Controls- Direction Pad: Move Left and Right A: Attack, hold left/right, up, down to do different attacks B: Use Skills, only after setting them L: Use a shorcut skill, after setting one. There are plenty of items and monsters and sections that need information.
#Psx tales of phantasia walkthrough free
This is my FAQ for Tales of Phantasia! Note that this guide is incompleted, feel free to send in ANY information you feel deserves a spot in this FAQ to I will gladly take it and place it in the FAQ credited under your name. Slow battles were about the only problem I had with Tales of Phantasia. It was fun fun fun, but slightly difficult to play.

I got my copy today, and started playing. I couldn't believe it when they had said that Phantasia was going to be remade, so I stalked the Gamefaqs page everyday, getting closer to the fatefull time, when I will have played a great classic! (LOL).
#Psx tales of phantasia walkthrough series
I then went out shopping on this day, and picked up the game! I have enjoyed the Tales series ever since I played Symphonia in 2005. I picked up my copy of Tales of Phantasia by reward, for having a report card that was great (GPA 3.61/4!) and also by coming in fifth out of 28 students in a math contest, having my score submitted to the nationals as a team. There are 2 more on the way for two more great games! Let's go over the history of how I got this game. This and other future FAQs to come are made by TripleJump. Closing -Introduction- Welcome to my next walkthrough for Tales of Phantasia! I hope you will enjoy it my good reader. EMAIL ME THE INFO :) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. I AM LOOKING FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO TRY AND HELP FILL IN THE BLANKS. Once you come back from defeating Bastista on the Pirate Ship, the Arena will finally be open to you where Leon stopped you visiting it before.# FAQ/Walkthrough by TripleJump Created: March 18th, 2005 Last Updated: April 15th, 2008 Contact: triplejumpfaqsgmailcom Copyright (c) 2006 TripleJump THE AUTHOR OF THIS FAQ DOESN'T BOTHER TO REFRAIN FROM SPOILERS, HE IS A LAZY BUMHOLE. It will be over once you go on one-way Trip to Aquaveil. At the early state of the game you'll probably be too weak to defeat Bruiser Khang so buy 15 Energy Bullets and use it all up in the fight against Bruiser Khang. Fight, then you can recruit Bruiser Khang in your Party (though he will leave the Party when you go to the Harbor and talk with Ilene) and don't need to fight him anymore. The most Items here are quite common except for Beef Tartar which is rare and won't show up elsewhere in the game! Most enemies here can poison you so you better equip a Antidote Charm to protect yourself from it. Victory the Prizes will be repeating endless. (Lemon Gel, Melange Gel, Orange Gel, Pine Gel) Once you've received the Horn from Raiker in Radisrol, the Arena in Neuestadt will reopen with stronger Enemies and new Prizes for you to grab.

Be sure to use a Weapon with a elemental attribute (like Dymlos), since the Blood Slime is invulnerable to non-elemental weapons. You should go for Flare Sword and Swirling Flame since it's limited. (Green Gel, Lemon Gel, Melange Gel, Orange Gel, Pine Gel, Miracle Gel, Elixir) (Bellebane, Red Bellebane, Lavender, Red Lavender, Sage, Red Sage, Savory, Red Savory)Įverthing else is optional which you may grab as well. This last Phase will be open once you've defeated Hugo in Belcrant. Once again you should use a different Weapon than Dymlos, because Wybern can absorb Fire Damages. You may wish to obtain the Silver Cape here because it's a limited item. You may also get the maximum numbers of Oberol Gold though you can also steal it from Hellmaster in Dycroft. Everything else can be gotten in Tower of Druaga unlimited.