Salariul minim pe economie pt studii superioare 2015
Salariul minim pe economie pt studii superioare 2015

salariul minim pe economie pt studii superioare 2015

Thus, in the context of favourable economic development, convergence assumes a process of closing the gap between the living standards between the poorer and richer areas beginning with the premise that the first have a swifter development as the latter. Identifying a process of convergence or divergence at regional level is a widely debated issue both in the academic and political-decision making environment. The theoretical point of view approach regarding convergence was accompanied by models meant to mitigate the requirements of assessing over given periods the evolution of territorial inequalities (between countries or regions). Identifying the convergence or divergence trends is one of the intensely argued topics by both the academic and the political-decisional environment. The cohesion process is not limited to the relatively poor regions, but aims also to more developed regions with the purpose of observing also the secondary effects for the entire EU (EC Report, 2013).

salariul minim pe economie pt studii superioare 2015

The objective regarding cohesion is achieved by means of a convergence process that assumes diminishing territorial inequalities between regions and territories. The main contributions are: identifying this indicator as appropriate to be a core one in OECD (2013) tourism competitiveness framework & redefine tour operator sector as a core sector of tourism in the Global model of tourism of Harrison. Analysed Eurostat data for 266 regions (281 regions) indicates that for the average regional tour operators employment growth heterogeneity is driven almost at half by region-specific factors. We look in this paper to understand why employment is growing or declining in a regional tourism tour operator sector during 2008–2018, in some EU28 regions? We use Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis to map the indicator ‘tour operator’s employment growth’ components decomposed by the Shift Share Analysis Method. Is a rapid adopter of technological innovation, generate high value added in highly competitive global markets. Its atypical profile of highest human capital concentrator in tourism, attract and retain talents, works digital with a high-intensity information use. Tour operators emerges following the 2008 crises, as a global job engine. World Tourism Organisation, declares the Tour Operators as tourism engine of strategically importance to support jobs and inclusive growth in all regions.

Salariul minim pe economie pt studii superioare 2015